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- About Hills Osteopaths
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
Tel : 02 9659 0515
- About Hills Osteopaths
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
Osteopathy at Hills Osteopaths
About osteopathy at Hills Osteopaths
About Osteopathy
For some, osteopathy sounds like a very ‘vague’ sort of therapy to help ease pain and injuries. But did you know that osteopathy can help people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, suffering from various conditions other than the usual back pain in a natural and holistic way? Whether you need help in relieving body pain or want to improve your general health, osteopathy can be a great ally to help with a large number of pathologies at different times of your life!
What exactly is osteopathy ?
Osteopathy is a non-invasive healthcare system developed in the late 1800’s by Dr Andrew Taylor Still who was disillusioned with the conventional medicine of his day. Osteopathy uses many of the diagnostic procedures involved in conventional medical assessment and diagnosis as well as assessing patients bio-mechanically, functionally and posturally.
Osteopathy is both a manual therapy, which uses an established, recognised system of diagnosis and treatment with its main emphasis on the structural integrity of the body. Plus an holistic therapy which means that is considers the body as a whole being. It is distinctive in the fact that it recognises much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in the function of the body structure as well as damage caused to it by disease processes.
What are the different types of osteopathy ?
An osteopaths training results in some nuanced skills:
- Osteopaths are trained to develop their touch and knowledge about the body
- Osteopaths are trained at length to acquire a deep knowledge of body structures (bones, joints, organs, viscera, muscles, etc.).
- Osteopaths have a great sense of observation, as well as an extreme finesse of touch, allowing them to detect slight blockages or particularly subtle movements.
Consequently, the different techniques osteopathy can use are:
- Myofascial release is a technique of manipulation that uses constant pressure until release is achieved. It is primarily used for myofascial structures.
- Craniosacral therapy uses a light touch to feel and ‘listen’ to your body – much like when the medical history is taken. Contacts are made at the base of the spine, the head as well as other areas depending on the symptoms. Osteopaths are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmical shape change that is present in all body tissues. This is called “Involuntary Motion” or the “Cranial Rhythm”.
- Soft tissue manipulation is a manual technique that is used to stretch or relax dysfunctional soft tissue structures.
- Visceral techniques: our visceral organs form an important part of our anatomy and physiology, making them a significant consideration when formulating osteopathic diagnoses and treatment plans. The holistic approach to osteopathy emphasises this. This is usually performed through a gentle external massage often on the abdomen
How can osteopathy help ?
Treatment is aimed at improving mobility and/or reducing inflammation and pain by using gentle manual osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments.
Osteopathy is suitable for many conditions including work related low back or neck pain through to sporting injuries. It can help with acute conditions, such as sudden sharp back pain, or chronic conditions. It may also be beneficial for painful ankles, knees, shoulders and elbows. There are other conditions which may benefit; osteopathy may be able to provide relief for the muscular tension symptoms associated with asthma. An osteopath may assess the role of an individuals’ diet in their health, or use visceral or cranial osteopathy. As the underlying causes of pain are addressed further improvements may be obtained with postural advice and with an exercise program if required.
Age is no barrier to osteopathic treatment as each patient is assessed individually. Osteopathic treatment may reduce pain and increase mobility. Whether you need help in relieving body pain or want to improve your general health, osteopathy can be a great ally to help with a large number of pathologies at different times of your life!
What to expect at your appointment.
You will be asked questions about the reason you have come, for instance how long you have been feeling as you do, how or why things changed, what other effects your complaint is having, as well as questions about your past injuries
A medical history will be taken, followed by a physical, structural and if necessary neurological examination, for which you may be required to change down to underwear or shorts. If you are not comfortable doing this please let us know.
We will also do any tests (i.e. reflexes, mobility) necessary to support a diagnosis. After the examination, and if appropriate, you will receive treatment that will vary according to the cause of your problem and how the treatment affects you individually
If treatment is with cranial osteopathy it may appear as though the osteopath is doing nothing more than placing their hands on you or the patient. Sometimes adults report that they feel things happening in their body away from the site of contact with the treatment and sometimes they feel nothing at all.
Please feel free to ask questions about any aspect of your consultation or treatment at any time.
Further details can be found on the Osteopathy Australia website
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
Or click the button to be taken to our secure contact formOsteopathy for pregnant mums, babies and children
Hills Osteopaths. The family friendly osteopathic clinic in Castle Hill
Osteopathy for Pregnant Mums
Treatment during pregnancy may help with the discomfort resulting from the strain on the musculo-skeletal system resulting from pregnancy, including back pain. It’s great for new mums too, who may find their pelvis or low back is uncomfortable after giving birth.
Some babies will benefit from a check-up after birth to ensure that their musculo-skeletal system is healthy.
You will always be treated confidentially - and no symptom is too small, too big or too embarrassing to an osteopath!
Read more : Osteopathy for Pregnant Mums
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
When birth is complicated by being unduly slow or fast, or when intervention such as forceps or ventouse or C-section is used, there may be for exa,ple musculo-skeletal effects. Treatment from an osteopath may help improve such effects and other strains in development
As children grow older, growth stresses, strains resulting from difficult births, minor trauma (such as falling off a bed or a swing) or sporting injuries may become apparent. Children may benefit from an assessment of their musculo-skeletal system by an osteopath.
Read more : Osteopathy For Babies and Young Children
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
Or click the button to be taken to our secure contact form
Osteopathy Guides
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy for New Borns - Babies (Age 0-2)
Osteopathy for Toddlers (Ages 2-6)
Osteopathy for Older Children and Teens
Effortless Exercise Hacks
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. NSW 2154
ABN 75 641 848 719
Member of:
Osteopathy Australia
Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy
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