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Active Employee Toolkit
Osteopathy Business Services at Hills Osteopaths.
Hills Osteopaths Active Employee Toolkit
Hills Osteopaths. Osteopathy for Business Services
Why an Active Employee Toolkit ?
At Hills Osteopaths we want to ensure everyone has the chance to move more and experience the physical and mental health benefits of an active life. To achieve this we have put together this guide to help inform and educate.
Keeping active has been shown to boost mental health, enhance immunity and aid concentration meaning a healthier, happier and more productive workforce with improved morale and better performance.
While it’s primarily aimed at HR professionals and line mangers, it really can be used by anyone and any business looking to promote or experience a more physically active working day. The toolkit is designed to help you support your employees to stay active. It provides advice and tips to help enable your teams to build more movement into their working day.
We hope this guide will help you and your employees feel like it’s possible for everyone to find ways to keep moving.
How Your Business Can Make a Difference NOW
Hills Osteopaths understand that businesses are short on time. Below is our two step plan to get you started quickly and have an immediate impact on staff morale.1. Support your employees to be active
Communicate through internal comms channels, senior leadership and line managers that you actively encourage this and understand it is important for physical and mental health.
Where possible integrate and promote support mechanisms for your staff, such as Hills Osteopaths Osteopathy for Business services.
Osteopaths treat more than many people think. Also share these ideas:
2. Offer flexible working hours
Allowing staff to be flexible with their hours has many proven benefits beyond them having time for more activity, including better focus during work hours, leading to higher productivity, an increase in job satisfaction and motivation. Also a reduction in the number of sick days or time spent away from work. In sum an improvement in staff morale and motivation results in costs savings on staff absenteeism and recruitment. The increase in productivity and job satisfaction will also result in your business attracting and employing a diverse and competitive work force and ultimately gaining an enviable reputation.
The Business Case for Increasing Physical Activity at Work
Physical activity has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen the immune system, improve productivity, increase resilience, lower absenteeism and presenteeism rates and enhance teamwork and self-confidence.
- Mental ill-health, stress and musculoskeletal problems are the three leading causes of long-term absence and all three are associated with a lack of physical activity.
- Studies have shown that physical activity helps mental health in many ways including improved mood, reduced stress, increased self-esteem, prevention/management of depression and anxiety.
- Physical inactivity is responsible for one in six premature deaths.
- Physically inactive people lose up to four and a half working days per year compared to active people.
- Google "annual cost to australian business from physically inactive workers" - the resulting information will surprise you !
Download Factsheet : Exercise and Mental Health
- Mental ill-health, stress and musculoskeletal problems are the three leading causes of long-term absence and all three are associated with a lack of physical activity.
If you are business and would like to discover how our Hills Osteopaths occupational health - osteopathy for business services can help your workforce, why not get in touch.
How to Influence Your Employees Through Behaviour Change Principles
We all know that being active is good for our health but that’s not always enough to change our behaviour or tackle the practical and emotional barriers that can stand in our way. As the COM-B model here shows, changing behaviour is a combination of helping people feel capable of doing it, providing opportunities, and motivating them to join in. Here are some ideas of how you can further support and empower your employees to get active.Everything Counts
Redefine what it means to be active and show your employees that any type of movement is valid, from a lunchtime walk up to a high-intensity workout. Even just getting up and moving around more makes a difference.
- Think about language – for those who are less active and less confident about their ability, the words “exercise” and “sport” may have negative implications whereas “being active” or “moving more” can feel more accessible.
- Normalise an active working day – show how senior leaders are getting involved and share examples of what staff are doing so this becomes a regular part of the working day.
- Show “people like me” – if you’re using imagery, make it relatable and show a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and activity levels getting active in a variety of ways that reflect your workforce.
Sell the Benefits
Motivate employees by talking about the benefits of exercise beyond the obvious health ones – boost your energy, get away from the screen, connect with friends or team mates, build in self-care, de-stress, look after your mental health and create a barrier between work and home life.
• Make it social – people are missing interacting with colleagues and research shows that sharing progress and receiving encouragement from other can help with motivation and enjoyment.
Consider setting up a workplace group on a WhatsApp Group or even set up some team building or group challenges for those who embrace the participation. Always make the benefits about inclusion.
• Encourage employees to build a routine – behavioural science tells us that doing the same thing at the same time each day can help to create longer lasting habits over time.
How to Fit Activity into Your Working Day
Practical Tips to Increasing Movement and Activity into Your Working DayIncrease Movement and Activity into Your Working Day
- Have a walking meeting with an audio-only phone call
- Take an active lunch break – get away from your screen and go for a walk, run or cycle (get straight into your workout gear in the morning for added motivation)
- Do an active or even ”pretend” commute if you’re working from home and use the time to move
- Take regular short breaks – 1-2 mins every 30 mins and 5-10 mins every hour just walking up and down the stairs or doing some simple stretches
- Stand up more regularly – walk around or explore using a raised desk
- Do some simple sitting exercises at your desk
- Schedule it in your diary and make it your priority
- If commuting by bus, metro (or even car share) get off one stop earier and walk
- Get active with a friend or colleague – exercising together can be great way to catch up and increase motivation and enjoyment.
- Find excercise you enjoy and set yourself a challenge for structure and added incentive
Local Resources to Share With Your Employees
Local sports and activity links.Local Activities
Get moving in your local area with an activity that appeals to you. Make the most of what’s around you and start feeling your best every day.
- Get active outdoors with friends, family or choose an online option at home
- Join a local group activity to get you moving and socialising
- Attend a community event to keep your activity fun and challenging
Gym or Wellness Centre
Explore a club that gives you options on when and how you want to be active in one place where like-minded people go, so take your pick.
- Enjoy a team and community culture that keeps you coming back
- Be around like-minded people, and professional support
- Access fully equipped facilities with enough variety to keep it interesting
Personal Trainer
Registered Trainers keep you motivated, create personalised plans and monitor your progress, which can make a huge difference in achieving your health goals.- Use a Registered Trainer to keep motivated and workouts interesting
- Get expert guidance on your health and lifestyle choices
- Have support on your changing health needs and fitness level
Local Activity & Sports Centres
Local Sports Clubs
About Sports
- Find a Sport (NSW Government)
- Sport Australia
Activity and Exercise (Dept Health)
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
Or click the button to be taken to our secure contact form
Osteopathy Guides
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy for New Borns - Babies (Age 0-2)
Osteopathy for Toddlers (Ages 2-6)
Osteopathy for Older Children and Teens
Effortless Exercise Hacks
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. NSW 2154
ABN 75 641 848 719
Member of:
Osteopathy Australia
Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy
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